Saturday, June 27, 2009

Tired of That Impossible-to-get-rid-of Belly Fat? We Are Going to Show You How to Obtain That Flat Stomach You Have Always Wanted!

For most of us who are overweight, we seem to have the most fat on our belly. And when someone wants to lose weight, the main thing they really want to do is lose belly fat.

Some say obesity is an epidemic these days, but we beg to differ. WE think belly fat is the real epidemic. Yes, there are plenty of people who have fat on their arms and legs, or evenly distributed throughout their bodies, but the majority of overweight people today harbor more fat on their belly than anywhere else on the body.

And there's a reason for it. Today's life is hectic, rushed, and stressful. We don't routinely cook anymore, and when we do it's not actually cooking at all. Instead, we warm up microwave meals, or mix something with water out of a box. If it can't be ready in a few minutes, most people won't bother with it.

Click Here to Learn How You Can Lose 2+ Pounds of Pure Fat Each Week!

That's convenience. That's why fast food is so popular... we don't have to spend any time or effort on it. But that's also why we have so much belly fat in the United States today.Try this math on for size: Your typical full size hamburger, small fries and Coke equals out to be around 1000 calories. Not only does the average woman only require 1800-2500 calories per day, this meal will exceed both fat and sodium requirements by a large margin. That 1000 calorie feast is usually consumed in half an hour or less, (considerably less if eaten while driving). It took half an hour to consume; now how long will it take to burn off that same amount of calories? Depending on the activity it could take two hours on up to about six.

You see, your body is a very smart, very efficient machine. When you feed it junk and convenience foods, you're not giving it much in the way of nutrition. Instead you're actually giving it a lot of sugar and empty calories.

The body thinks you're starving, though. Since there's no decent nutrition being fed to it, you must be in the midst of a famine. So the body's job is to keep you alive. And if it thinks you're in a famine phase, it will store away anything it can, in any way it can. And this usually ends up meaning you get more fat stores added.

Now the body creates these extra fat stores on your belly, because that's the core part of your body. You need your arms and legs to run away from predators and survive in general. Over hundreds of thousands of years, the body has evolved to allow you easier free use of your arms and legs.

This is all part of the body's built-in survival mechanism.

The body hasn't had time to adapt to modern uses of itself. It evolved into it's current state over thousands of years, but we've just begun to use convenience foods and processed, chemical-loaded junk in the past hundred. So it's still doing what it needs to ensure you stay alive; thus you get fat created on your belly.

Getting rid of belly fat is fairly easy to do, but most of us don't like it. Why? Because it generally involves not eating those sugary and convenient foods we adore so much these days.

Strip That Fat will show you that changing what you eat is the major key to reducing and eliminating the fat on your belly. And elsewhere on your body as well. If your meals started consisting primarily of healthy protein and vegetables, the body would assume you're now in a "feast" phase instead of famine.

Start Losing That Belly Fat Right Away With Strip That Fat!

Top Weight Loss Products Reviewed Below

Visit Strip That Fat

#1 Strip That Fat Diet System
Diet Rank: #1
Calorie Guide: Yes
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Price: $47 + BONUSES
Calorie Guide: Iron Clad 60-Day Money Back

Reasons: Strip That Fat has many advantages over other diets, the main one being that ANYONE can do it. After going through many new diets every year, this is one that really exceeds expectations.
You can personally create your very own diets using the STF Diet Creation tool. There are over 40,000 different two week diet combinations that you can create. Within the first two weeks using the diet system provided to you, it is possible to lose up to 10lbs…a lot of that being PURE FAT!

This product is worth every penny and more. There are products that cost $100’s/mth that are weak into comparison to Strip That Fat! If you read and apply what learn within Strip That Fat guide, YOU WILL LOSE weight.

It includes some of the most practical and easy-to-implement weight loss techniques that will not only lose you weight in the short term, they are sustainable for long term weight loss. You can eat as much as you want on this diet and the extra bonuses you get when you sign-up are worth the price along. Remember, don't forget to try the STF Diet Creator which will generate a 14 day diet plan for you on the fly in an easy to print document (they even provide a shopping list for you!!).

We rank this product #1 in the weight loss industry.

Visit Strip That Fat Website

Belly Fat Is Still Just Fat

One of the prime misconceptions about belly fat is that there is something special about it due to its location. It's still just body fat. However, it's also true that fat does tend to accumulate in certain areas on a number of body types (apple, pear, hourglass, etc.) and can have some severe health consequences.

In post-menopausal women (and men with that rotund shape), the problem is an build up of fat around the organs. This is hazardous for a whole host of physiological reasons, but the worst is that it tends to show up significantly in cardiac arrest cases.

The way to get at it is to cut down on your overall body fat . You know how to lose belly fat - eat less and exercise more. What it takes is cutting back enough on fats and carbohydrates and other high calorie foods while monitoring the amount and duration of your exercising.

If you bump up your level of physical activity even one notch, it can make a significant difference in the amount and speed of your weight loss. Simply going for a 20 minute walk a mere 3 days a week can account for the loss of 10 to15 pounds over the course of a year. Did you know that walking 10,000 steps a day will lead to a healthy lifestyle. Using a pedometer can help motivate and help you achieve your goals.

Look for places where you could add a little exercise to your daily activities and get ready to feel better and look better. The only way to get at dangerous belly fat is to amp up your cardio routines and burn more calories than you consume. Get your hands on a Body Mass Index (BMI) chart and plot your fat level. It should be in the mid to low twenties if you want to experience optimum health.

Start today with Strip That Fat will get your moving in the right direction. To your success


  1. What is that thing that’s been growing around your mid-section since you started college? Is it a beer belly? Is it belly fat? Is it lower belly fat? Is it tummy fat? Is it a gut or a beer gut? There are so many names for the fat that builds up around our stomachs, is it any wonder why it’s become a national obsession? But don’t misperceive our obsession with fat as war on fat. A little body fat is actually good for you. It keeps you warm and helps your body maintain a sufficient core temperature and nutrients when we get sick and can’t eat.are you suffering from this then click here to get rid from belly fat

  2. What is that thing that’s been growing around your mid-section since you started college? Is it a beer belly? Is it belly fat? Is it lower belly fat? Is it tummy fat? Is it a gut or a beer gut? There are so many names for the fat that builds up around our stomachs, is it any wonder why it’s become a national obsession? But don’t misperceive our obsession with fat as war on fat. A little body fat is actually good for you. It keeps you warm and helps your body maintain a sufficient core temperature and nutrients when we get sick and can’t eat.are you suffering from this then click here get rid from belly fat
